Making juries matter again
Sometimes the biggest Supreme Court decisions don’t announce themselves with much fanfare. While pundits frothed over the high-profile cases concerning Vice President Cheney, the Pledge of Allegiance and the detainees...
Sometimes the biggest Supreme Court decisions don’t announce themselves with much fanfare. While pundits frothed over the high-profile cases concerning Vice President Cheney, the Pledge of Allegiance and the detainees...
When is a published document considered unpublished? Only in the realm of law, where one of the first lessons any law student learns is how legal fiction is more powerful...
In a Reason article two weeks ago, Jeff Taylor bemoaned how our government was still stuck in the “Paper Age” instead of getting itself into the digital world. Why couldn’t we be more...
Whenever people start talking about an economic problem, like the current debate over the outsourcing of jobs from America to foreign nations, I always remind myself of the crucial lesson...
Last month in Brainwash I wrote about the furor over Justice Antonin Scalia’s refusal to recuse himself in a case concerning Vice President Richard Cheney when it was found that Justice Scalia...
The word “marriage,” ever since the idea was coined some 3,000 years ago or so, has always meant one thing: the union of a man and woman as husband and...