Postmodern Toughness
Robert Kagan has a great, long article in The Weekly Standard about how wrong Fukuyama was and how right the other guys (i.e. himself) were about the end of history...
Robert Kagan has a great, long article in The Weekly Standard about how wrong Fukuyama was and how right the other guys (i.e. himself) were about the end of history...
Thru Sonny, Jamie Kirchick reminds me why Bush’s infamous size-up of Putin was such a load of bollocks: I looked the man in the eye. I found him to be...
Noam Scheiber, The Stump: Obama’s strongest response to the Russia situtation may be the same one he’s used in other foreign policy contexts: By focusing on Iraq, we took our...
Camille Paglia, I am noticing slightly belatedly, turned in a pitch-perfect expression of the problem with the ‘let sleeping adulterers lie’ meme in post-Clintonian political commentary: As a Democrat who...
Hillary’s name is being phonily placed in fake nomination, for the crap reason that not only Every Voice Must Be Heard (itself already a degenerate version of Gore’s Every Vote...
Megan, in discussing how stupid it is to tie abortion law to feelings, ends with a very libertarianish bit of dictum about how we don’t like the government to regulate...