Oscar season is upon us, hence the slightly less than routine posting. But I did want to pass these little nuggets from Clint Eastwood in the latest Esquire along: We...
Matt Welch highlights another casualty of the Prop. 8 blacklist (pinklist?) over at Reason’s blog. Yup, that’s the Hollywood I know: one that defends everyone’s right to their opinions, no matter what!
Patrick Appel (a key member of Andrew Sullivan’s one man blog) absolutely destroys his boss’s preoccupation with the the “fake Sarah Palin pregnancy” nonsense. Give it a read if you...
From his Slate column today: Here are the known facts: If you are a Lebanese politician or journalist or public figure, and you criticize the role played by the government...
Ezra has this neat little chart up, which he thinks shows that Brits are much happier with their health care system than Americans. In a way, I suppose it does....