By Oct 29,2008


Over at DCist, Sommer has been writing about the MPD’s policy of random searches on the DC metro system: So it’s a consent-based search, but if you refuse to be...

By Oct 29,2008

Adventures with the Daily Mail

Perhaps it’s because I’m a bad person, but I took rare delight in this article about Bono, narcissist and overrated singer: His humanitarian campaigning has earnt him the nickname St...

By Oct 28,2008


Sonny points out that I was unclear in my earlier post: I’m talking about the WTC bombing of February 1993, hence the reference to attacking Afghanistan in 2000 or 2001....

By Oct 28,2008

Re Richard Dawkins

Apropos Dan’s fine series of posts: …I shall be talking about God a great deal, and this is a word which offends unholy people just as badly as words like...