By Apr 26,2008

An Obama Hangover. Already?

That’s the question of the week. Ross, Matt, Peter, and Ezra weigh in. I’ll take Ezra’s closing thoughts as my jumping-off point: Obama’s empathy is of a more cerebral variety...

By Apr 26,2008

We Had to Burn Laura to Save Her

Sonny wants to burn Nabokov’s last book. When it comes to trashing great artists’ final achievements, I’m usually opposed on principle, even if it means permitting their heirs to cash...

By Apr 25,2008

Burn it

For the last decade or so, literati around the world have agonized over what to do with Vladimir Nabokov’s final novel, The Original of Laura. His son, Dmitri, was given...

By Apr 24,2008


As did my counterpart Mr. Poulos, I feel the need to offer the briefest of introductions. Especially since you have no idea who I, your humble narrator, am. Well, I’m...

By Apr 24,2008

Clear for Second-Class Citizenship?

Something about Clear, the private-sector answer to gross DHS inefficiency and questionable airport employees, raises my civic republican hackles. From one perspective, it now looks like the government is permitting...