By Oct 13,2008

Cracking ACORN

I would just add to Sonny’s post that, however trivial the annual number of instances of voting fraud, they consistently occur under the aegis of ACORN. You see, those trivial...

By Sep 29,2008

I still don't have anything to add…

…but I’ve thought from the beginning that this whole financial meltdown was no one person or group’s fault. Mortgage companies were strong-armed into making high-risk loans to minority loan applicants,...

By Aug 14,2008

An Uncomfortable Truth

Megan, in discussing how stupid it is to tie abortion law to feelings, ends with a very libertarianish bit of dictum about how we don’t like the government to regulate...

By Jul 22,2008

Thought of the Day

What if the desire for flourishing is narcissistic? How do we parse our way out of that paper bag? Time to change the terms of argument, foax.

By Jul 01,2008

Shock the Monkey, Go to Jail

At Slate, Bill Saletan takes a crack at ape rights in Spain. I must admit, I have zero problem with extending legal protections to animal species on the basis of...