By Nov 06,2005

Roe was wrong

The debate over Judge Alito and the Supreme Court cannot be an honest one until this simple truth is laid bare: Roe v. Wade was a bad Supreme decision, which...

By Nov 06,2005

A U.S. role in Darfur

It’s been nearly five years since an outbreak of anti-Americanism greeted the election of George W. Bush. Since then, the Iraq war, prison abuse scandals and another, more decisive, Bush...

By Nov 06,2005

Internet tug-o-war

In the battle over control of the Internet, it's not that the U.S. government manages the Internet better than other countries would, it's that it barely manages the Internet at...

By Oct 30,2005

The price of movies

“I’ll wait until it comes out on DVD.” If you find yourself saying this more often when you see a new movie hit the theatres, you’re not alone. DVD sales...

By Oct 30,2005

Life imitating art imitating life

If it accomplishes little else, the current film Capote captures the awesomely bleak austerity of winter afternoons. The matchless cinematography of Adam Kimmel treats us to imposing outdoor vistas in...