By Feb 04,2001

Cappuccino Conservatives

We always knew something was wrong, those of who had to endure liberal baby boomers preaching at us from the padded pulpits of tenured professorships. Xers like myself knew instinctively...

By Feb 03,2001

Bush v. Media: The Big Game

A favorite game played by members of Washington’s chattering class is the following: 1) distort a conservative position beyond recognition, and 2) then take great glee in accusing conservatives of...

By Jan 01,2001

Kink-y Paleocons?

It’s easy for a Republican to get an inferiority complex in Manhattan. When the guy at the desk beside you with the Nader poster is also a published poet who...

By Oct 01,2000

Feminism’s Bitter Pill

The feminist movement has lost much of its credibility as of late. Who can forget Gloria Steinem and Patricia Ireland rushing to the defense of our misogynist president during the...

By Apr 28,2000

Why I Am Not a Liberal

From the point of [view of] the federal government’s balance sheet[,] there’s not a dime’s worth of difference between a dollar spent on health care, on a fighter plan[e], or...