By Mar 02,2000

The Disappearance of Elian’s Rights

Wherever Elian Gonzalez goes, the improbable happens. Plucked from the sea last Thanksgiving, he has been dubbed a miracle child by Cuban-Americans. Across the Straights of Florida, Fidel Castro organizes...

By Feb 01,2000

Achievement by Choice

The education establishment would have us believe that poor children can’t learn. The excuses are numerous. But across the nation dozens of principals of low-income schools have demonstrated that poverty...

By Jan 13,2000

What It Means to Be Electrocuted

Kevin wanted to have a glass of ice water and a night of sleep once he reached his apartment, no doubt already sweltering. Maybe the Climatair, which he’d left on,...

By Jan 08,2000

The end of YouTube

Like Steve Carell, cherry cheesecake, and The Wind-up Bird Chronicle: the awesomeness of YouTube is something we all can agree on. But everything good — on the Internet, at least...