Glass houses, stones, etc.
A truly priceless moment of self-parody from Andrew Sullivan, in which he criticizes Matt Continetti for having the temerity to defend Sarah Palin from her critics:
Continetti: so much promise. And yet the craziness of this moment and the farce of the Palin candidacy can derail anyone.
Andrew “Trig Truther” Sullivan — a man whose twice had to take a timeout after throwing fits over the nature of Trig Palin’s birth and is prone to throwing around conspiracy theories* about whether or not the VP candidate secretly adopted her own daughter’s baby to protect her from media scrutiny, or some such — is worried about someone else getting derailed by Sarah Palin? For freakin’ serious? That just happened?
I mean, Matt’s a friend and everything, so maybe I’m taking this just a little bit personally on his behalf, but come on. I’d hope that “the biggest one-man blog on the planet” would have at least a modicum of self-awareness.
*I’m sorry: “Just asking questions.”