December 22, 2014

Look What You Accomplished

By: Roger Custer

As 2014 draws to a close, we thank you for your involvement in and support of America’s Future (AFF).  Because of your work, AF had its busiest and most successful year since the founding in 1995! george will

Here are just some of this year’s highlights:

  • 118 events in 14 cities for more than 7,800 young professionals;
  • New chapters in Boston and Kansas City
  • New Writing Fellows program that trained and connected emerging liberty writers;
  • Exclusive lectures for young professionals by George Will, Sen. Mike Lee, Carrie Conko, Charles Murray, Larry Reed, Steve Moore, and many others. AF Chapter

AFF’s work produces young leaders like Seneca Gates, who writes,  “Not only has AF has allowed me to channel my passion for liberty into practical applications such as the newly established ambassador program, but has also provided me with the resources to further my knowledge of liberty through its various events and lectures. Only through your support of America’s Future has this been possible, and for that I would like to personally thank you.”2014 Fall Writing Fellows

If you are inclined, please consider a tax-deductible gift before the end of the year.  Your generous gift will advance individual rights, limited government, and free markets nationwide.

With your support, AF will continue to identify and develop our movement’s most talented young people in its 20th anniversary year.  In addition, AF often partners with the fine policy organizations you support to make sure the ideas are shared with young professionals.

And because AF’s mission is to develop young liberty-minded professionals, it provides opportunities to speak on roundtables, organize events, and serve on planning committees.  No other organization gives young professionals this many opportunities to become life-long effective and engaged liberty advocates.

Please act now to support AF’s work in the coming year:  Make your tax-deductible gift now.

Again, thank you for supporting AF’s work.


Roger Custer is executive director of America’s Future Foundation.