February 17, 2009

Taxman Set Me Up!

By: Nicole Kurokawa Neily

Today, Marion Barry will be filing his 2007 income taxes. He has filed late for 8 of the past 9 years.

According to The Washington Post, Barry’s defense is that he has been undergoing kidney dialysis treatment 3 times a week.

Tax evasion apparently isn’t that big of a deal anymore, however, if you can still be nominated to a cabinet-level position. It’s doubtful that Geithner or Daschle will go to jail. Too bad for Barry that not filing is a violation of his parole for the EXACT SAME CRIME, so he’s in a more precarious position…

Logic dictates that if tax code wasn’t so complex and punitive, fewer people would avoid paying their taxes. Unfortunately, it’s unlikely that Congress would take away such a lesson from these high-profile instances.

Given the trouble he’s in, one cause Barry might want to champion is Congressman John Carter’s “Rangel Rule” bill — it could lessen the sting of his forthcoming penalties, at least.