September 3, 2008

Too rich

By: Sonny Bunch

These sentences, from Andrew, are just too rich:

The people who should be most incensed by the Palin pick are foreign policy neoconservatives. The selection has made a mockery of their entire case for McCain. So why aren’t they publicly mad? I mean: they’re not partisans, right? They’re intellectuals.

This coming from the man who is arguably the biggest Obama partisan in the blogosphere despite the fact that he plans on making the income tax far more progressive–a move Andrew has repeatedly called “immoral.” This coming from the man who blasted the experience of a two year governor after having previously trumpeted the campaign of a man with only two years of Senate experience. This coming from the man who derided the “Obama is a Muslim” story as a horrible, vicious smear and then demanded that Sarah Palin turn over the birth records of her newborn in order to prove that she was the mother.

Come off it, Andrew. For this cycle, at least, you’ve forfeited the intellectual high horse.