By Jul 16,2006

In defense of hypocrisy

Michael Brendan Dougherty: The book is called In Defense of Hypocrisy. Why does hypocrisy need a defense from you? Jeremy Lott: Hypocrisy needs to be defended because no one seems willing to do...

By Jul 16,2006

Not quite life and death

Bill Shankly, the legendary former manager of Liverpool Football Club, was once asked if soccer was a life and death matter. His answer: “Listen, it’s more important than that.” And...

By Jul 09,2006

Regulatory robber barons

An exclusive excerpt of Tim Carney's new book The Big Ripoff: How Big Business and Big Government Steal Your Money, now available now from John Wiley & Sons.

By Jul 04,2006

The sabotage of sex

My parents have five children, two of my dearest friends come from families of ten and nine respectively, and I currently know at least ten young married couples in Washington...