By May 13,2008

Street Art

I’m pretty ambivalent when it comes to street art and the damage to public/private property it causes–I thought Borf got off easy–but this is pretty awe-inspiring. MUTO a wall-painted animation...

By May 13,2008

Ethnonationalism: So Passe

I urge you to go back over to the main DTO site and read James Dellinger and Phil Brand’s piece on Hawaiian ethnonationalism. I’ve said pretty much all I need...

By May 12,2008

Who's That Other?

Apropos of (as Sonny’s mentioned) Newsweek’s claim that Obama faces an attack campaign portraying him as “the Other,” I ought to mention what a pet peeve it is to talk...

By May 12,2008

A Thought Experiment

Last Thursday, Michael Goldfarb wrote that the United States should not alter its policy if said policy increases the appeal of al Qaeda to the Muslim masses. Matthew Yglesias is...

By May 12,2008

"Amateur" Athletes

It’s kind of a slow news day (Newsweek slimes the GOP, inducing a yawn; Clinton to win huge in Reagan Dem-heavy states tomorrow, inducing a second), but I have to...