Was Joseph Stack a terrorist?

By Feb 24,2010

Was Joseph Stack a terrorist?

It seems that Matt Steinglass is on pretty much the same wavelength I am regarding the IRS plane bomber, Joseph Stack: So I think that on definitional grounds, you have...

By Feb 24,2010

Teachers unions are the worst, cont.

The New York Times has what amounts to a follow up on the New Yorker’s examination of the NYC school system’s “rubber rooms,” the place where disciplined/ineffective teachers are sent...

By Feb 23,2010

“Up in the Air” and privilege

Over at his revamped digs,* Freddie DeBoer critiques Up in the Air: The problem is, on a broader level, that Ryan Bingham is a privileged person with privileged problems. An...

By Feb 23,2010

Academese is *so* annoying

There really is nothing worse than reading academics do film analysis. Consider this passage on George Romero’s The Crazies in Tony Williams’ George Romero: Knight of the Living Dead: The...