Justice Catches Up with Karadzic, Briefly

By Aug 05,2008

Trolls as sociopaths

Like Megan, I was somewhat horrified by this passage from The New York Times’s fascinating piece on trolls: Fortuny spent most of the weekend in his bedroom juggling several windows...

By Aug 05,2008

That Thing We Call Courage

(This article originally appeared in the Summer 2008 issue of Doublethink.) High Noon is routinely listed as one of the top American movies of all time. And it is almost...

By Aug 04,2008

Pole Tax Follies

In 2007, Texas’ adult entertainment industry was brought into the national spotlight when state legislators tried to levy a $5 admissions tax on all strip club patrons. Proceeds from the measure...

By Aug 03,2008


Thru Andrew, I see Obama is being attacked by the McCain campaign for “demanding” foreign, exotic brands of drink like Honest Tea. Soooo foreign and exotic. This election, courtesy of...