March 23, 2018

Response to Rhode Island Venue Cancellation

By: AF Editors

At America’s Future Foundation, we believe that everyone should be afforded equal opportunity to prosper. We envision a society that values free markets, limited government, and personal responsibility – values, we believe, that enhance the quality of life for all Americans. Currently with chapters in 27 cities, we host events to foster an open dialogue about policy ideas and larger social issues. By welcoming all people and points of view to join in our discussions, we are able to be a positive space for change in a time when events are often shut down, free speech is threatened, and individuals are called names because of their political ideologies.

In June 2017, we launched our Rhode Island chapter, led by individuals who care deeply about the direction of government in Rhode Island. From events on celebrating school choice to ride-sharing, this chapter has grown in this very spirit. With that in mind, we’re saddened at the venue cancellation for tonight’s event in Rhode Island. We plan to have this discussion at a different location, as we know many individuals are excited to participate in this conversation.

Mike Stenhouse, CEO of the Rhode Island Center for Freedom and Prosperity, shares: “Rhode Islanders’ constitutional rights continue to be under assault by the progressive-left. Today we witnessed a sad event where an establishment canceled a peaceful gathering of young professionals, just because they seek to advance the cause of liberty. This attack on 1st Amendment rights makes for a dangerous time for democracy and freedom in our Ocean State.”

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