March 16, 2009

Saakashvili’s Masseuse

By: Damir Marusic

Is this a hoax? Because if it’s not, I’m at a loss for words.

This is Mikheil Saakashvili’s masseuse, posing with the president:

She’s a real piece of work, this woman, if she exists. Quoth the shoulder-rubber:

The Pres is so fucking sweet, he makes the body guards take me everywhere and show me shit. Too bad I realized I can use Bable Fish translator on my Crackberry a bit too late, I wanted to tell them I (1) HATE driving anywhere in a car (2) Hate churches and religion all together (3) If we can’t walk there, I don’t wanna go. But alas, we drove like an hour to the country side to see this OLD church, it is from the 1st century. OMFG. I was wearing my flaming RED pants, so eyebrows were raised when I was in the churches we saw. Pffffft!

Perhaps this is a Russian plot to further damage the president. Or it’s just plain crazy. Either way, go forth and enjoy.

UPDATE: Here’s Russia Today, the English-language propaganda channel, on the story. The tone makes it sound like a setup:

UPDATE 2: Turns out Dr. Dot is a masseuse to all sorts of stars. Perhaps this is all legit?