By Aug 09,2008

Take That, Cheney

McCain couldn’t keep the veep away from the convention. But he can follow up Cheney’s speech to the assembled masses with the gong-ringing spectacle of Joe Lieberman, Vice Presidential nominee...

By Aug 08,2008


Jonah Goldberg hurls the epithet. Daniel expects I would pull a Rorty, shrugging or laughing it off. Probably I will have a ton more to say about the whole sorry...

By Aug 08,2008


Repeat after me: It’s not the crime, it’s the coverup. May John Edwards give this interview and go quietly into that good night.* *Of course, he can’t really do that...

By Aug 08,2008

Muzzle those Olympians!

I suppose Fallows thinks that the entire US Olympic team should apologize for embarrassing the Chinese by selecting a victim of the Darfur genocide to carry the flag. A genocide...

By Aug 08,2008

Those GD ChiComs

I suppose Rod is probably right when he says this: When I’m thinking with my head, I believe that it’s in the world’s interest for China to have a good...

By Aug 08,2008

More "torture"

Via Andrew, I see that the authorities at Gitmo are segregating violent criminals in small solitary cells. As Mr. Sullivan would have it, The use of extremely restrictive boxes to...