By Sep 04,2009

Van Jones is a Truther

Truther being the catch all term for people who think that George W. Bush either caused 9/11 to happen or allowed 9/11 to happen in order to start a global...

By Sep 03,2009

A Mugging on Lake Street

Fantastic piece in the Chicago Magazine about John Conroy (also the author) who was riding his bike when he gets jumped by a gang of youths. After the attack he...

By Sep 03,2009

Well that was interesting…

As I’ve said a number of times on this blog: You never know what’s going to get people’s dander up. Apparently disciplining other people’s children is one of those things…...

By Sep 02,2009

Not-a-Republican look at Afghanistan

In so many words, Andrew Exum (aka Abu Muqawama) describes himself as a hesitant, hedging, uncertain and humble supporter of the war in Afghanistan. What mystifies him is why Washington...

By Sep 02,2009

George Will, anti-war activist

I felt some serious deja vu while reading Robert’s post about the hopelessness of our “endless bloody occupation” of Afghanistan. Just two years ago, the conventional wisdom was that there...