By Jan 05,2010

The Xmas bomber: No big deal?

David Brooks: DAVID BROOKS: To me, the whole reaction was overwrought. We have all these geniuses who are, post hoc, that they could have figured out if only they were...

By Jan 05,2010

Zero KIA in Iraq in December

Who seriously thought this was possible? Not one American soldier was killed in combat in Iraq last month. I’m certainly very happy about it, but I won’t pretend that I...

By Jan 04,2010

70 Percent

That’s the number of people who either think that waterboarding the Underoos Bomber is okay or are not sure if it’s okay. From Rasmussen: Fifty-eight percent (58%) of U.S. voters...

By Jan 04,2010


So, my thoughts on Avatar haven’t much changed since I wrote my review. On second viewing, the glaring storytelling problems — most specifically, the sheer predictability of the plot and...

By Jan 04,2010

Bold new era…

What’s the old saying? It’s a recession when someone you know gets laid off; it’s a depression when you get laid off? Well looks like I’ve hit my own personal...