June 27, 2008

Almost certainly a terrible idea

By: Sonny Bunch

Though not a surprising one. /Film reports that a sequel (or possibly a prequel) is in the works for 300. Now, I loved 300–it’s one of the few martial films in the last few years to do huge business while simultaneously putting forth an unapologetically pro-West POV. Great stuff. But Frank Miller’s track record of going back to the well and penning sequels based on critically acclaimed works is, um, not great. I love Frank Miller’s work, and I think that both literal, shot-for-shot translations of his books into film (Sin City and 300) and the books that have greatly influenced films (Batman: Year One was a major inspiration for Batman Begins, if memory serves) are fantastic. Tour de force stuff. But, as a just and humane society, I don’t think we should encourage him to pump out sequels for commercial reasons. It’s a waste of his talent and a waste of our time.

By the way: I highly recommend checking out Robocop 2 if you get the time. Whereas Paul Verhoeven’s original was a masterpiece of over the top excess and cultural criticism, the sequel (written by Miller) is something of a 180–it viciously mocks PC culture and corporate executives with equal ferocity. Though not nearly as good as the original, it’s an underrated flick.