Afghanistan: McCain vs. Kissinger
Within the space of 24 hours, both men have elaborated their thoughts on how to turn around the war in Afghanistan. In short, they disagree. As a former McCain staffer,...
Al Gore and other great American inventors
Some people are giving Barack Obama a hard time for saying that America invented solar energy technology and the automobile. Apparently, French and British scientists came up with solar energy...
From Gitmo to suicide bomber
Kuwaiti citizen Abdallah Saleh al-Ajmi was released from Guantanamo in the fall of 2005. After his acquittal by a Kuwaiti judge, al-Ajmi began associating again with radical Islamists. In early...
Shining in the White House
Great one in The Onion yesterday: WASHINGTON—A little more than a month after the first family’s move to the White House, reports of strange happenings have continued to surface, with...
Dramatic Israeli infiltration of Hezbollah
The Israelis had GPS units placed in almost all of Hezbollah’s vehicles by a high-ranking Hezbollah official. Correspondent Mitchell Prothero tells the story in The National (UAE). Now, if I...