Author: David Adesnik

By Feb 26,2009

Afghanistan: McCain vs. Kissinger

Within the space of 24 hours, both men have elaborated their thoughts on how to turn around the war in Afghanistan. In short, they disagree. As a former McCain staffer,...

By Feb 24,2009

From Gitmo to suicide bomber

Kuwaiti citizen Abdallah Saleh al-Ajmi was released from Guantanamo in the fall of 2005. After his acquittal by a Kuwaiti judge, al-Ajmi began associating again with radical Islamists. In early...

By Feb 24,2009

Shining in the White House

Great one in The Onion yesterday: WASHINGTON—A little more than a month after the first family’s move to the White House, reports of strange happenings have continued to surface, with...