Author: David Polansky

By Oct 15,2008

On righteous anger

Once in a while, usually when I’m pretty seriously procrastinating, I’ll find myself reading Dan Savage over at the Onion. His “Savage Love” generally manages to provide some low-grade entertainment,...

By Oct 14,2008


I don’t know if any of you have already read these, but those who haven’t should really bother checking them out. Most of the computer humor goes right over my...

By Oct 13,2008

On schadenfreude

After calling for this longer than most, James Howard Kunstler takes a victory lap. I suppose he’s entitled, what with him basically making systemic crises his life’s work. Still, like...

By Oct 13,2008

Cracking ACORN

I would just add to Sonny’s post that, however trivial the annual number of instances of voting fraud, they consistently occur under the aegis of ACORN. You see, those trivial...