I wonder if people treated the law as they treat the rules in games, would we really have all of the legal wrangling we’ve seen in New Jersey lately? I...
The election in Iraq two weeks ago, wherein every single one of Iraq’s nearly 11.8 million eligible voters was claimed to have voted to give Saddam Hussein another seven-year term...
Quick poll: How many of you think that fast food is healthy? If you’re raising your hand, you must be Caesar Barber, the one person in America who somehow didn’t...
“When I use a word, it means just what I choose it to mean–neither more nor less.” –Humpty Dumpty When “Through the Looking Glass” was published in 1872, I doubt...
Move over bin Laden; the big bad Dow Jones is quickly becoming Public Enemy #1. As a result of the market’s recent freefall, the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll...
I’m an atheist. Right now in America it’s not too popular to be like me. After all, an atheist, Michael Newdow, took the Pledge of Allegiance to court because the...