By Mar 15,2010

Tom Hanks and "The Pacific"

The first episode of HBO’s sequel to Band of Brothers, The Pacific, premiered last night. It was pretty solid, though a little slow in the offing. If it’s half as...

By Mar 15,2010

Ah, there's the real Rielle!

I’m glad I never wrote anything about how Rielle Hunter was being a stand-up gal by saying nothing during the recent Edwards debacle. Because, hey, look: She’s talking to GQ!...

By Mar 14,2010

Another Hugo Chavez terrorist link

From the Times: An indictment this month from one of Spain’s top judges assert[s] that Venezuelan intelligence officials were involved in training Basque separatists and Colombian guerrillas in Venezuela… Judge...

By Mar 12,2010

Sigh. Remix Culture!

So, someone has created a remix of the Beastie Boys’ “Sabotage” video using clips from Battlestar Galactica, the Sci-Fi Channel TV series. It’s here. Give it a view. It’s quite...