By Feb 02,2008

The Gripes of Wealth

October 1st, 2018 We had taken shelter in the broken wreckage of a ruined McMansion for the night—Me, Okie Pete and Skinny Bill Cox. Us three had taken up with each other...

By Feb 01,2008

Who won the war in Gaza?

Max Boot provides a first-rate after-action report. Boot calls the conflict a highly limited and attenuated victory, to be sure, but one that nevertheless restored Israelis’ self-confidence and Arabs’ fear...

By Jan 22,2008

Why not?

I don’t get it when people write things like this I don’t celebrate death in response to the news that a ton of terrorists killed themselves while experimenting with bubonic...

By Jan 22,2008


Shorter Matt Yglesias: I’m all for freedom of speech, except for when terrorists object. I’m always surprised at how prevalent this abject cowardice is amongst those on the left. You...

By Nov 15,2007

Modern Discrimination

It’s an article of faith among many conservatives that pervasive American racism died with Jim Crow. Much of conservative ideology rests on that assumption. If businesses and schools will discriminate...