By Apr 06,2007

Pelosi the Peacemaker

The first quarter of 2007 is over, which means the presidential candidates are reporting their fundraising numbers. If you’re a person whose presidential ambitions had been widely-discussed by the time...

By Apr 04,2007

Sasami Wishbringer is a submissive and prostitute for “Edge Escorts.” She looks like an eight-year-old girl. But…she is an avatar in Second Life. Three years ago, Linden Labs stepped in...

By Mar 28,2007


I learned long ago not to take Ann Coulter seriously. This understanding allows me to view her ritually screeching pronouncements (calling 9/11 wives “harpies,” Arabs “camel jockeys,” etc.), as what...

By Mar 28,2007

Black Snake Moan

It is not especially noteworthy that Craig Brewer has put his fetishes up on the big screen for the whole world to see. The achievement is in how well he...