By Dec 11,2006

Pre-Columbian passion

If the murmured exclamations that precede it–a cast of hundreds of amateur actors; set in pre-Columbian Mexico; shot entirely in an obscure Mesoamerican dialect–didn’t tip you off about the scale...

By Dec 04,2006

Corrupting mumble

Exhausted by the seemingly never ending political season, frustrated by Republican repudiation of the brand of conservatism that led to victory and a brief stint as the majority party, seeking...

By Nov 27,2006

From 9/11 to 11/7

After an afternoon making calls from the Dubliner and an all-nighter fueled by a week’s worth of Irish whiskey, I put the final edits on the post-election edition of the...

By Nov 27,2006

Allen agonistes

Virginia Senator George Allen’s loss earlier this month to Jim Webb was more than just a win for the Democratic Party, which needed Allen’s seat to gain a majority in...

By Nov 20,2006

Milton Friedman, conservative

To deal with man's flaws, a conservative trusts in tradition and community. He also tries to guard against the concentration of power. Milton Friedman warned constantly about the concentration of...