By May 04,2001

Internet Babel?

A few weeks ago, eBay, the largest auction web site on the Internet, quietly halted the sale of items associated with hate groups. While ebay has long disallowed merchandise promoting...

By May 03,2001

Amtrak’s Bad Trip

In addition to high prices, weak coffee, bad food, and horrible service, here’s one more reason to avoid Amtrak: It gives federal drug cops your travel itinerary. If the narcs...

By Apr 06,2001

The Truth about Kids in Combat

Sometimes, it is difficult to be a conservative, because the other side can make you sound so . . . heartless. For example, there is the matter of child soldiers....

By Apr 05,2001

Cloning conundrum

The Right has a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde complex about artificial human cloning. Mild-mannered social conservatives fall over one another in disgust at the prospect while Libertarians seemingly stand...

By Apr 04,2001

Lessons from a Cold Warrior

The first time I used the word disinformation in public, I got an immediate reaction from the audience: A woman said, “You mean, of course, misinformation.” Well, I disagreed. There...