January 23, 2024


Imposter Syndrome Might be Real, But You’re Real Too

By: Remso Martinez

Imagine you’re reading a gripping autobiography of a successful professional. As you delve deeper, a surprising revelation unfolds – they too, at some point, battled the feeling of not being good enough. 

This is the crux of imposter syndrome, a psychological pattern where individuals doubt their accomplishments and fear being exposed as a “fraud.” It’s a common narrative, especially among young professionals stepping into the competitive world. 

I’ve been a trending podcaster on the Apple charts, an Amazon bestselling author, and leader in my industry— even to this day I struggle with accepting that I’m actually good at the things I do, even when I feel like I’m standing in a spot I might not deserve to be in. 

Imposter syndrome is real, but that doesn’t mean it’s really true. 

So why is it important to address this? Because this belief that we’re not deserving of the success we’ve earned can stifle growth, hinder performance, and limit the pursuit of opportunities. 

Let’s explore some effective strategies to overcome this internal hurdle.

Recognize and Acknowledge 

The first step in conquering imposter syndrome is recognizing its presence. Are you often attributing your success to luck? Do you shy away from challenging projects fearing exposure of your ‘inadequacies’? 

Acknowledge these feelings. Understanding that imposter syndrome is a common experience can be liberating in itself. 

Redefine Your Success Metrics 

In a world fixated on external validations – promotions, accolades, social media likes – recalibrate what success means to you. 

Personal growth, learning new skills, or overcoming challenges can be more meaningful yardsticks. Measure your journey by your own ruler, not someone else’s. 

Dialogue and Share

One of the most effective ways to dismantle imposter syndrome is by talking about it. Sharing your feelings with mentors, colleagues, or peers often reveals that you’re not alone. 

These conversations can offer new perspectives, helping to debunk the myth that everyone else has it all figured out. 

Celebrate Your Wins, Big and Small 

Just as an author celebrates each chapter written, celebrate your achievements, no matter how small they may seem. Completed a challenging task? Learned a new skill? Received positive feedback? 

Take a moment to appreciate these milestones. These celebrations reinforce self-confidence and gradually silence the doubting inner voice. 

Understand That Perfection is a Myth 

Perfectionism often feeds imposter syndrome. Understand that making mistakes and not knowing everything is not only normal but essential for growth. 

Every successful professional has a backstory of trials, errors, and lessons learned. Embrace your journey, warts and all. 

Seek Mentorship and Guidance 

Mentors can be lighthouses in the foggy waters of self-doubt. They offer guidance, reassurance, and often, a more objective assessment of your abilities and growth. Don’t hesitate to seek mentorship or professional guidance. 

Practice Self-Compassion 

Finally, be kind to yourself. Instead of harsh self-criticism, practice self-compassion. Acknowledge your efforts, forgive your mistakes, and understand that the path to success is a journey, with its own set of bumps and turns. 

Give Yourself Permission to be You 

If you walk away with anything, remember that feeling like an imposter doesn’t mean you are one. It’s a sign that you’re pushing your boundaries, stepping out of comfort zones, and growing.

Overcoming imposter syndrome isn’t about eradicating self-doubt entirely; it’s about learning to navigate it with grace, understanding, and resilience. 

As you continue your professional journey, know that you’re more capable, more competent, and more deserving than you might believe.