October 1, 2009

John Edwards’ Callow Sycophant

By: Sonny Bunch

John Edwards is a despicable person who surrounded himself with callow sycophants. Or, at least, one callow sycophant: Andrew Young. Politico has the sordid details:

When Edwards and his family arrived home, Young had made sure there was fresh milk in the fridge, a neatly trimmed lawn and neatly folded dry cleaning. When he arranged their vacation to Disney World in 2004, he naturally booked himself a ticket. And when Edwards’s mistress became pregnant, Young — at the cost of his reputation, his wife’s and his minister father’s — stepped forward to say the child was his.

Just……ugh. That Edwards would allow him to do this explains much about the trial lawyer’s character (or lack thereof). But Young being willing to debase himself like this? Shocking, and more than a little bit sad. You should, as they say, read the whole thing.