November 13, 2020

Learn It, Live It, Love It: The Friday the 13th Edition

By: Cindy Cerquitella

Learn It:
School Choice has been in major focus this year, as students across the country have faced massive challenges with virtual learning, blended classes, etc. It’s clear that parents need more of a say in their children’s education. School Choice Week has put together a fun dance lesson to help raise awareness about choices in education. Learn the steps and post them to your favorite social channel this weekend!

I believe there’s a little entrepreneur in all of us, and FEE promises to bring that out and give it wings at next week’s Entrepreneurship Week. Consider joining in all week.

If you are looking to broaden your knowledge of national and local policy, as well as meet other like-minded young professionals, I highly recommend applying to American Enterprise Institute’s Millennial Leadership Network Cohort. It’ll take place February 2-4. The deadline to apply is November 23rd, but apply today, so you can focus on pie-making Thanksgiving week.

Live It:
I love beautiful household items, and if they have a meaningful message, all the better! Feminists for Liberty just opened a new swag shop and it’s full of lovely things for life and home. I’ve got my eye on those notebooks!

Love It:
If you’ve been reading this space for awhile, you’ll know my passion for Hong Kong and for Jimmy Lai, owner of Apple Daily news and lifelong freedom fighter. He is currently living under house arrest in Hong Kong, after having been arrested earlier this summer. This week, Atlas Network’s CEO Brad Lips spoke with him about his lifelong fight for freedom and why he can’t back down, even now. If that inspired you, you can hear from him again at the Acton Institute’s 30th Anniversary Celebration on November 18th, where Jimmy will be honored with a Faith & Freedom Award. Register here.