August 30, 2019


Learn it, Live it, Love it: The Important Conversations Edition

By: Cindy Cerquitella

Learn It:
For those of you, like me, that are intrigued by building a brand and a lifestyle, peek behind the curtain at Starbucks’ branding doc

Live it:
There’s been a fascinating and meaningful debate taking place in conservative circles about how the philosophy will evolve. At the center of this are David French and Sohrab Amari. AF has long believed in the essential partnership between conservative and libertarian ideals, so this conversation feels especially relevant! Catholic University is hosting a discussion among David, Sohrab, and Ross Douthat on September 5th, and I encourage anyone who can to attend (I’ll be on a train back from New York, so will watch the Livestream). 

There are brave individuals working to advance freedom all over the world. This summer, I’ve focused a lot on the literal fight for freedom taking place in Hong Kong, but that shouldn’t draw attention from those who have been tirelessly working to bring free inquiry and liberal values to mainland China. In 2012, Mao Yushi won the Cato Institute’s Freedom Prize for his decades of work. This week, his institute, Unirule, announced it would shut its doors due to Chinese government pressure. It’s truly a tragedy. 

Earlier this week, I listened to this podcast by Goop with co-founder of the Immigrant Defenders Law Center, Lindsay Toczlowski, a young woman working to ensure every immigrant in court has representation. It was both a maddening and inspiring conversation. It’s so important that we see clearly what is happening in our name, by our government in situations at the border and that we work to identify real solutions to these problems. We can do better, and our nation’s ideals demand that we do. 

Love it:
“Love it” may not be the right term for this…but I found this interview between Cardi B and Bernie Sanders fascinating. I think it’s wonderful for presidential candidates to engage with young voters. But is it too much to ask that they speak to us as grown-ups? (P.S. I do love Cardi B, especially this version.) 

One thing I do love though, is this timeless piece by Larry Reed, on Why Liberty is a Life Philosophy. I revisit it every couple of months, I hope you’ll love it too.