November 19, 2009


By: Sonny Bunch

Megan coins a new term:

Y’all well know that I really don’t like Sarah Palin.  In fact, more than one of you has yelled at me about this.  And I find the whole schtick about how the media is just a bunch of elitist hooligans who are out to get her really grating.

That’s why I really wish the media wouldn’t act like, well, a bunch of elitist hooligans who are out to get her.  I’ve coined a new phrase to cover the situation: Palinoia.  It’s when you think people are out to get you, and then they do their best to justify your erroneous belief.

See this post (headlined “Famous for being famous”) for a prime example of the phenomenon today at the HuffPo:

I’m not sure what I have more contempt for. Sarah Palin’s pathological lying or the people who can say with a straight face that Sarah Palin is qualified for anything other than a reality show contestant or the the Edie McClurg role in a remake of Planes, Trains & Automobiles.

What’s even more alarming is the constant reporting from the cable news people this week: Sarah Palin is famous! Wow! But no one is digging into exactly why she’s famous.

And that’s the heart of the matter here. She’s nothing more than an overrated celebudoof.

Um….really? “Nothing more than an overrated celebudoof”? I’m not a huge Palin supporter (I’ve even said in the past that I’d probably vote for Obama instead of Palin if it came to it in 2012), but this is absurd. Sarah Palin was the governor of a state and the mayor of a city before being the vice presidential candidate of a major party in an American presidential election. She’s not Paris effing Hilton.

The anti-Palin hysteria is, to put it mildly, bizarre. From Andrew’s Trigonometry to the ridiculous Newsweek cover to everything else people are doing to tear her down…it’s really weird. Let’s be frank: Palin, an attractive one term governor and a former mayor, had exactly as much political experience as the Democratic party’s presidential nominee, Barack Obama (a one-term junior senator with no foreign policy experience who sent tingles up the legs of liberals everywhere). To describe her as a celebutard along the lines of the Kardashians or the Hiltons is sexist at best willfully ignorant at worst.