August 12, 2008

Reality TV in DC

By: Sonny Bunch

I assume James will be prominently featured in this new reality TV offering–he’s a cad about town, that one–but I’m kind of torn. I mean, a reality show based on people from DC that’s modeled on The Hills? Isn’t DC supposed to be Hollywood for ugly people? The Hills is hard enough to watch when I’m focusing on the more, um, attractive elements on screen–do I really need to deal with air headed chatter from their less-attractive dopplegangers?

Of course, the chatter might not be airheaded at all. Perhaps we’ll get brilliant discussions about the inner workings of NGOs and Congressional offices, all while our fabulous hosts are hitting the Georgetown hotspots! Nothing says “substantive commentary” like downing shooters at Smith Point while trying to impress the popped-collar crowd.