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By Oct 03,2008

My greatest fear about McCain…

…as a Republican nominee for President was always that I thought he would say something outlandish and stupid that would cost him the election. I never really thought it would...

By Sep 04,2008

The Palin Trap

As usual, Reihan is on to something: The Palin pick is the politicial equivalent of bear-baiting. Yes, ridiculing Palin as a hick and a rube, and devaluing her experience, comes...

By Sep 02,2008

Millman on Palin

Noah Millman has some characteristically smart comments on the Palin nom, and I’d like to highlight one in particular: Second, it is really striking how angry the anti-Palin voices are....

By Jul 22,2008

Superhero political affiliation

Fantastic link in the comments from PMM. Which political party does your superhero belong to? Superman: Moderate Republican Small town values and big city pragmatism inform Superman’s middle-of-the-road political beliefs....

By Jul 02,2008

A decade later, nothing has changed

I finished the first half of Grand New Party last night…an excellent example of pop-political history. One note, one quibble, one tip for the GOP. The note: To say that...