March 12, 2009

The Prop. 8 Blacklist, cont.

By: Sonny Bunch

From the Weekly Standard:

Until now, donating to a cause did not open private citizens to a battery of invective and jackboot tactics. While celebrities sport their moral vanity with white ribbons, thousands of ordinary Americans who donated to Prop 8 are being targeted in a vile campaign of intimidation for having supported a measure that, in essence, ratified the crucial relation between marriage and childbearing. Some in California have lost their jobs over it; others worry about an unhinged stranger showing up at the door.

Seriously, you have to read the whole thing to understand just where this author is coming from: an artist with a number of pieces in her portfolio positively portraying gays is now being attacked for donating to a political campaign. Soak in the threats, the hatred, the closed-mindedness coming from the people who hate her now (some of whom were friends not long before). This is mind-bogglingly absurd. And, of course, anti-American.