By Dec 04,2008

Hanging Saakashvili by the balls

I don’t know how I missed this (by way of this): “I am going to hang Saakashvili by the balls,” Mr Putin declared. Mr Sarkozy thought he had misheard. “Hang...

By Dec 04,2008

The Value of Neoconservatism

There seems to be no dirtier word in the English lexicon today than “neocon”. Almost everyone has a strong opinion about the ideology, and yet very few have a clear...

By Dec 04,2008

Prosecutorial overreach

Emily Bazelon has a great piece up at Slate tracking the (absurd) prosecution and (equally absurd) conviction of Lori Drew, the adult MySpace bully who drove a teen girl to...

By Dec 03,2008

Ideas still have consequences

My colleague Robert Kagan writes that the U.S. should create an international response to the attacks in Mumbai, which sounds harmless enough, until you get to the actual proposal: Rather...