Author: Sonny Bunch

By Oct 15,2008

Why do we register voters?

In a previous post, Dan asked why it’s important to fight fraudulent voter registration. To answer that question, I think it’s important to first look at why it’s important to...

By Oct 14,2008

Me no understand big numbers

In his latest defense of ACORN’s absurd system of registering people who don’t exist/don’t want to register to vote, Matt suggests that the numbers are too big for the puny...

By Oct 14,2008

Me no understand big numbers

In his latest defense of ACORN’s absurd system of registering people who don’t exist/don’t want to register to vote, Matt suggests that the numbers are too big for the puny...

By Oct 13,2008

Voter fraud is a “myth,” cont.

Matt seems vexed that conservatives (like myself) refuse to admit that throwing around allegations of voter fraud is akin to intimidating voters into not exercising the franchise, or some such....