
By Aug 08,2008


Jonah Goldberg hurls the epithet. Daniel expects I would pull a Rorty, shrugging or laughing it off. Probably I will have a ton more to say about the whole sorry...

By Aug 08,2008


Repeat after me: It’s not the crime, it’s the coverup. May John Edwards give this interview and go quietly into that good night.* *Of course, he can’t really do that...

By Aug 08,2008

Muzzle those Olympians!

I suppose Fallows thinks that the entire US Olympic team should apologize for embarrassing the Chinese by selecting a victim of the Darfur genocide to carry the flag. A genocide...

By Aug 08,2008

Those GD ChiComs

I suppose Rod is probably right when he says this: When I’m thinking with my head, I believe that it’s in the world’s interest for China to have a good...

By Aug 08,2008

More "torture"

Via Andrew, I see that the authorities at Gitmo are segregating violent criminals in small solitary cells. As Mr. Sullivan would have it, The use of extremely restrictive boxes to...

By Aug 08,2008

Brideshead as Telenovela

Evelyn Waugh’s Brideshead Revisited, first published in 1945, soon became a novel beloved both by the British, who hailed it as one of their own masterpieces, and by Catholics, who...