By May 12,2008

Hot For Professor?

When I was ten years old, I went to sleep-away camp and developed a huge crush on a guitar-playing British counselor. He was about the age I am now, in...

By May 11,2008

The Niche That Won't Shtick

Over at The American Scene, Matt Frost is undoubtedly right to question and even ridicule supposed experts about ‘Millennials’ — that latest incarnation of the Pepsi generation who are supposed...

By May 09,2008

That Crazy Coalition

I don’t think James is wrong, necessarily, but if I can don my inside-the-beltway-elitist hat (a black bowler, complemented by a gold rimmed monocle, natch): To win the presidency, the...

By May 09,2008

Honest Hill

Sonny pushes back against the attacks on Hillary Clinton’s insta-infamous recognition of the race factor But if we can step away from heated racial rhetoric for a second, we should...

By May 09,2008

Patriotic Philanderers

I should respond to some of these Vito-related comments, I think, because they sound reasonable enough at first blush and provide thereby a good means of sharpening my argument. First...

By May 09,2008

The Democratic Coalition

There’s been some interesting chatter over Hillary Clinton’s interview with USA Today, namely her appeal to “working, hard-working Americans, white Americans.” Jonathan Chait takes issue with the implicitly racist appeal...