By Jul 05,2001

Pork and the GOP

Everyone believes that congressional pork-barrel spending and government waste are the same thing. Thus, every year when it releases its Congressional Pig Book chronicling the latest federal pork, Citizens Against...

By Jul 04,2001

The War on Fat

Kenneth Cooper, the godfather of “aerobics” and the frontrunner to become the next Surgeon General, has pitched to the Bush administration the idea of a $1,000 tax deduction for “staying...

By Jul 02,2001

Even a Stopped Clock . . .

During the week of September 28th, the now familiar anti-globalization circus will descend upon our nation’s capitol to disrupt the meetings of the World Bank and the IMF. For the...

By Jun 03,2001

A Retirement Account of One’s Own

In April, government actuaries reported that Social Security is unsustainable in its current form. Unless key reforms such as privatization are undertaken, the program will face a fiscal crisis as...

By May 04,2001

Suzanne Somers’ Bad Medicine

Actress Suzanne Somers recently disclosed that she is battling breast cancer. As she told the Associated Press, “I really feel I’m licking this.” Not with conventional treatments, mind you, but...