By Sep 14,2009

The Child Whoring Pimp Assistance Seven

In the wake of Big Government’s mildly shocking* series on ACORN’s pro-pimp activities, the Senate voted to cut off federal funding for the group 83-7. Jim Geraghty labeled those seven Senators...

By Sep 14,2009

Obama’s European Honeymoon

This is the fourth in a series of four articles trying to come to terms with Obama’s foreign policy. Click here to read Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3....

By Sep 13,2009

Kevin Drum on Wilson-mania

Kevin asks: Did the Washington Post fulfill its duty to inform the public last night by running a mere eight separate pieces about Joe Wilson’s outburst during President Obama’s healthcare...

By Sep 13,2009

Will Pelosi flip on Afghanistan?

The editors of the Wall Street Journal remind Madame Speaker that she was a singing a different tune on Afghanistan not long ago: It is well known that Mr. Obama...